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stroke adjustable cylinder Sold to Brazil

Release time:2023-11-12 15:28:49 Hits: Current position: Home > News

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Brazil hydraulic cylinder,stroke adjustable cylinder manufacturer,stroke adjustable cylinder

Brazil stroke adjustable cylinder

(Brazil stroke adjustable cylinder,produced by Hebei Hengyu company)

stroke adjustable cylinder are widely used in Brazil,because of clever hydraulic energy conversion,simple structure and reliable operation,excellent temperature resistance.So our company has designed stroke adjustable cylinder for customers from Brazil.

Introduction to stroke adjustable cylinder:

When the control pressure of the hydraulic system is too low, the stroke adjustable cylinder will appear wrong or no action, because the throttle resistance in the control pipeline may be too large, the flow valve is improperly adjusted, the control pressure is inappropriate, and the pressure source is interfered with. At this time, check the control pressure source to ensure that the pressure is adjusted to the specified value of the system.

The commonly used buffer structure of the stroke adjustable cylinder is composed of a piston boss and a stroke adjustable cylinder head groove. When the piston moves close to the stroke adjustable cylinder head, it gradually enters the groove, and the oil in the groove is extruded through the gap between the boss and the groove, which increases the oil return resistance, produces the braking effect and realizes the buffer. Generally, a buffer mechanism should be used when the pressure is above 10MP.

If the stroke adjustable cylinder slips or crawls, please check whether there is astringency inside the stroke adjustable cylinder, because the internal parts of the stroke adjustable cylinder are improperly assembled, the parts are deformed, worn or the shape and position tolerance is excessive, the action resistance is too large, so that the piston speed of the stroke adjustable cylinder changes with the different stroke position, and the slip or crawl occurs. Most of the reasons are due to poor assembly quality of parts, surface scars or sintered iron filings, so that the resistance increases, the speed decreases. For example, the piston is different from the piston rod or the piston rod is bent, the stroke adjustable cylinder or the piston rod is offset from the mounting position of the guide rail, and the sealing ring is too tight or too loose. The solution is to repair or adjust, replace damaged parts and remove iron filings.

There are some honeycomb holes in the inner wall of the stroke adjustable cylinder, piston or piston rod surface. How is this formed? When we repair the stroke adjustable cylinder, we can see that there are some honeycomb holes on the inner wall of the stroke adjustable cylinder, the piston or the piston rod surface, which are caused by cavitation. Therefore, the cavitation of the stroke adjustable cylinder is targeted to prevent. Is very necessary.

Answers to some questions about stroke adjustable cylinder:

What's the use of three oil pipes on the cylinder?
The cylinder usually has an upper and lower oil chamber, one is connected to the upper oil chamber, one is connected to the lower oil chamber, sometimes a hydraulic lock will be added, that is, a hydraulic control check valve to prevent accidents when the oil pipe breaks, so the third pipe should be the control oil pipe of the hydraulic control check valve.

How many tons is the oil cylinder 16mpa?
It depends on the cross-sectional area of the cylinder A(mm2)F=16mpa×A unit is (tons).

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