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supporting cylinder Sold to Bangladesh

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Bangladesh hydraulic cylinder,supporting cylinder manufacturer,supporting cylinder

Bangladesh supporting cylinder

(Bangladesh supporting cylinder,produced by Hengyu Group)

supporting cylinder are widely used in Bangladesh,because of simple structure and reliable operation,no need for deceleration device,powerful torque.So our company has designed supporting cylinder for customers from Bangladesh.

Introduction to supporting cylinder:

Because of the slightly complex structure of the buffer supporting cylinder, sometimes there will be problems, such as when the supporting cylinder with the buffer device is started in reverse, the piston often stops temporarily or reverses. Elimination method: The orifice of the check valve is too small, so that the amount of oil entering the buffer chamber is too small, and even a vacuum occurs, so the above fault phenomenon will occur when the buffer plunger leaves the end cover. In this regard, the orifice of the check valve should be increased.

supporting cylinder daily maintenance, should focus on checking whether the piston rod surface roughness and shape and position tolerance meet the technical requirements, if the piston rod bending should be calibrated to meet the requirements or according to the physical mapping, manufactured by a professional manufacturer. If the piston rod surface coating wear, slip damage, local spalling can be adopted to remove the coating, re-chrome surface processing process.

When the supporting cylinder wear is serious, you can try to use an alloy scraper to shave grooves with a depth of more than 1mm on the surface of the slip injury, then clean the grooves with acetone, apply the adjusted TS311 anti-wear repair agent on the polished surface with the supporting cylinder inner diameter copying plate, and scrape it flat vigorously to ensure compaction and higher than the inner surface of the supporting cylinder. After curing, polish to leave a finishing margin. Finally, the overall size, shape tolerance and roughness of the supporting cylinder can meet the requirements by grinding. However, the life and reliability of this repair supporting cylinder are not high.

The coordination of the sliding parts of the supporting cylinder itself should not be too tight, the sealing friction force should not be too large, and H8 / f8 coordination should be selected between the piston rod and the guide sleeve; Check whether the size of the sealing ring is processed strictly according to the standard; If the V-shaped sealing ring is used, the sealing friction should be adjusted to a moderate degree.

Answers to some questions about supporting cylinder:

How to use a solenoid valve to control the expansion of a cylinder? Doesn't the solenoid valve only control on/off?
Use the solenoid valve P into A-B (generally equipped with oil circuit board) to connect the oil inlet interface at both ends of the cylinder, and the solenoid valve can be realized by power off (refer to the solenoid valve 2B2L, different solenoid valve actions are different).

What's the use of three oil pipes on the cylinder?
The cylinder usually has an upper and lower oil chamber, one is connected to the upper oil chamber, one is connected to the lower oil chamber, sometimes a hydraulic lock will be added, that is, a hydraulic control check valve to prevent accidents when the oil pipe breaks, so the third pipe should be the control oil pipe of the hydraulic control check valve.

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