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baling press cylinder Sold to Congo

Release time:2023-11-12 15:33:35 Hits: Current position: Home > News

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Congo hydraulic cylinder,baling press cylinder manufacturer,baling press cylinder

Congo baling press cylinder

(Congo baling press cylinder,produced by Hebei Hengyu company)

baling press cylinder are widely used in Congo,because of powerful torque,clever hydraulic energy conversion,simple structure and reliable operation.So our company has designed baling press cylinder for customers from Congo.

Introduction to baling press cylinder:

Regular maintenance of the baling press cylinder includes: regular tightening, baling press cylinder fastening screws and gland screws, baling press cylinder piston rod stop adjustment screws, should be tightened once a month, tighten each screw evenly, and achieve the corresponding tightening torque. Replace the seal regularly, it is recommended to replace the seal of the baling press cylinder once a year. Clean regularly, the baling press cylinder is cleaned every other year, and the seals are replaced while cleaning.

baling press cylinder buffer valve inspection and maintenance: For the valve buffer baling press cylinder, the focus should be on checking the wear of the buffer valve spool and seat. Once it is found that the amount of wear increases and the seal fails, it should be replaced. It can also be repaired by using abrasive spool and seat matching grinding method.

The repair method of the baling press cylinder: the repair of the baling press cylinder must use brush plating. This is because this repair method can be carried out on site, and the repair effect is good. In this way, loading and transportation can be eliminated to shorten the repair time and improve work efficiency. In addition, the coating obtained by brush plating has good binding force and will not have obvious boundaries. Moreover, the repair surface has high hardness and good wear resistance.

baling press cylinder daily maintenance, should focus on checking whether the piston rod surface roughness and shape and position tolerance meet the technical requirements, if the piston rod bending should be calibrated to meet the requirements or according to the physical mapping, manufactured by a professional manufacturer. If the piston rod surface coating wear, slip damage, local spalling can be adopted to remove the coating, re-chrome surface processing process.

Answers to some questions about baling press cylinder:

What are the differences between hydraulic cylinder and pneumatic cylinder, what are their advantages and disadvantages?
Hydraulic Cylinder: small body and large force, constant speed and variable speed (easy to change), the adjustment of output is also convenient, and the degree of freedom of transmission is high. However, maintenance costs and installation costs are high, and there is the trouble of mild oil pollution. Pneumatic Cylinder: easy to control, low price, easy access to energy. But the force is small, and can not achieve the effect of stable speed. The gas-liquid pressurized cylinder has the advantages of both of the above: environmental protection and energy saving, easy control, and simple adjustment. However, the output of the trip has certain restrictions, so it is more suitable for short trips, large output, but also environmental protection and energy saving and low configuration of the occasion. Because the pressure used in the pneumatic system is generally in the range of 0.2-1.0Mpa, the cylinder is not suitable for high power component.

How to calculate cylinder pressure?
Hydraulic pressure area of cylinder × hydraulic pressure = output force of cylinder 200mm=20cm 100mm=10cm 15Mpa=150Kg/cm2 Cylinder thrust: 3.14×10×10 area ×150 pressure =47100Kg=47.1t cylinder pulling force: 3.14×(10×10-5×5) Area ×150 pressure =35325Kg=35.325t The above calculation did not consider the resistance of oil return, because you did not provide oil return pressure. But the impact should be small.

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