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tension cylinder Sold to Estonia

Release time:2023-11-15 10:42:06 Hits: Current position: Home > News

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Estonia hydraulic cylinder,tension cylinder manufacturer,tension cylinder

Estonia tension cylinder

(Estonia tension cylinder,produced by Hengyu Hydraulic Cylinder Factory)

tension cylinder are widely used in Estonia,because of smooth movement,excellent fatigue and impact resistance,high work efficiency.So our company has designed tension cylinder for customers from Estonia.

Introduction to tension cylinder:

If air enters the hydraulic system, the tension cylinder will not operate normally, mainly because there is a leak in the system. At this time, check the liquid level of the hydraulic tank, the seals and fittings on the oil suction side of the hydraulic pump, and whether the oil suction filter is too dirty. If so, the hydraulic oil should be replenished, seals and fittings should be treated, and the coarse filter element should be cleaned or replaced.

How to repair the tension cylinder body when it is damaged: When the tension cylinder has trace deformation and shallow tensile marks, the tension cylinder is repaired by strong honing process. The heavy honing process can repair tension cylinders up to 2.5 times out of tolerance than the original tolerance. It honed the parts with excessive size or shape error through a powerful honing machine, so that the overall size, shape tolerance and roughness of the tension cylinder can meet the technical requirements.

The material of the sliding part of the tension cylinder piston sintered casting piston will cause sintering phenomenon when subjected to large transverse load. In this case, the sliding part of the piston should be made of copper alloy or welded to such material.

In the case of serious wear on the inner surface of the tension cylinder, or when there is a deep longitudinal tensile mark, it should be mapped according to the physical object and re-produced by the professional manufacturer according to the tension cylinder manufacturing process for replacement. The tension cylinder can also be repaired with TS311 antiwear repair agent. TS311 anti-wear repair agent is mainly used for the repair of worn and slipped metal parts.

Answers to some questions about tension cylinder:

How to distinguish loader boom and forearm hydraulic cylinder? Is it the upper arm or the lower arm?
The one in the middle that can flip the bucket is the small arm cylinder you say, and the one that lifts the brackets (big arms) on both sides is the big arm cylinder.

How to control the speed of the hydraulic cylinder?
The speed of the hydraulic cylinder is only related to the flow, so the control speed is to control the flow of the hydraulic oil, which is generally adjusted by the throttle valve in the system.

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