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shearing machine cylinder Sold to Sri Lanka

Release time:2023-11-08 08:11:52 Hits: Current position: Home > News

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Sri Lanka hydraulic cylinder,shearing machine cylinder manufacturer,shearing machine cylinder

Sri Lanka shearing machine cylinder

(Sri Lanka shearing machine cylinder,produced by Hengyu Hydraulic Cylinder Factory)

shearing machine cylinder are widely used in Sri Lanka,because of smooth movement,high work efficiency,excellent fatigue and impact resistance.So our company has designed shearing machine cylinder for customers from Sri Lanka.

Introduction to shearing machine cylinder:

When the shearing machine cylinder is kept, do not pay attention to keeping the oil port open, which will produce the condition of accepting foreign bodies at all times, which is absolutely not allowed. Storage must be filled with anti-rust oil or working oil, and plug.

The shearing machine cylinder should be used correctly and maintained regularly. The shearing machine cylinder should be deflated before use, the buffer regulating valve should be adjusted to a reasonable position, the cleanliness of the oil should be checked regularly, the dust on the shearing machine cylinder should be cleaned regularly, and attention should be paid to waterproof and fireproof.

When the hydraulic oil is not pumped into the shearing machine cylinder, it is necessary to check whether the tubing, oil circuit, especially the hose joint has been blocked, and the relevant oil circuit from the shearing machine cylinder to the pump should be checked in turn and blocked; Check whether the seal between the taper valve and the seat of the relief valve is good; Check whether the solenoid valve spring is damaged or whether the solenoid coil is burned out; Whether the oil circuit is switched is insensitive.

We can not just consider the price and ignore the quality when we purchase the shearing machine cylinders. Now some manufacturers produce unqualified products in order to reduce costs, the piston rod is not adjusted, the rod coating is not enough, the shearing machine cylinder finish can not reach, the guide sleeve should use copper, but instead of ductile iron, although the cost is reduced, the quality of the shearing machine cylinder is not required.

Answers to some questions about shearing machine cylinder:

What is a mold core cylinder?
Simple plastic parts can be directly pushed out by the ejector rod after injection molding, complex plastic parts can not be directly pushed out by the ejector rod after injection molding, to make the interference part active, control its position through the cylinder (injection molding into the mold, so that the shape of the plastic parts meet the demand, exit after opening the mold, so that the plastic parts are smoothly pushed out), This kind of cylinder is the mold core cylinder.

What is hydraulic cylinder internal leakage and external leakage?
The internal leakage of the hydraulic cylinder refers to the leakage of the piston head seal of the double-acting cylinder, and the leakage occurs inside the cylinder; The external leakage refers to the leakage phenomenon between the cylinder head (or cylinder guide sleeve) and the plunger rod (or piston rod) and the seal between the guide sleeve and the cylinder block, and the oil in the hydraulic cylinder leaks to the outside.

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