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yg series hydraulic cylinder Sold to Kazakhstan

Release time:2023-11-17 13:21:46 Hits: Current position: Home > News

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Kazakhstan hydraulic cylinder,yg series hydraulic cylinder manufacturer,yg series hydraulic cylinder

Kazakhstan yg series hydraulic cylinder

(Kazakhstan yg series hydraulic cylinder,produced by Hengyu Hydraulic Cylinder Factory)

yg series hydraulic cylinder are widely used in Kazakhstan,because of long service life,smooth movement,high work efficiency.So our company has designed yg series hydraulic cylinder for customers from Kazakhstan.

Introduction to yg series hydraulic cylinder:

yg series hydraulic cylinder is the most important part of construction machinery, the traditional processing method is: broaching yg series hydraulic cylinder block - fine boring yg series hydraulic cylinder block - grinding yg series hydraulic cylinder block. The rolling method is: broaching yg series hydraulic cylinder block - fine boring yg series hydraulic cylinder block - rolling yg series hydraulic cylinder block, the process is 3 parts, but the time is compared: grinding 1 meter of the yg series hydraulic cylinder block is about 1-2 days, rolling 1 meter of the yg series hydraulic cylinder block is about 10-30 minutes. Input comparison: grinding machine or quilting machine (tens of thousands - millions), rolling knife (ten thousand - tens of thousands). After rolling, the surface roughness of the hole decreases from RA3.2-6.3 μm before rolling to Ra0.4 ~ 0.8μm, the surface hardness of the hole increases by about 30%, and the fatigue strength of the inner surface of the yg series hydraulic cylinder increases by 25%. If the yg series hydraulic cylinder life is only considered, it is increased by 2 to 3 times, and the boring and rolling process is 3 times more efficient than the grinding process In particular, if you want to make high-quality yg series hydraulic cylinders, you must take the rolling production process. After the yg series hydraulic cylinder is rolled, there is no sharp tiny edge on the surface, and long-term motion friction will not damage the seal ring or seal, which is particularly important in the hydraulic industry.

The wear of the hard chromium plating layer of the yg series hydraulic cylinder is mostly caused by the grinding of the friction iron powder of the piston, and the wear is faster when there is water in the middle. Corrosion caused by the contact potential difference of the metal only occurs in the part of the piston contact, and the corrosion occurs in a point pattern. As mentioned above, when there is moisture in the middle, it will promote the development of corrosion. Compared with castings, the contact potential difference of copper alloy is higher, so the corrosion degree of copper alloy is more serious.

When the control pressure of the hydraulic system is too low, the yg series hydraulic cylinder will appear wrong or no action, because the throttle resistance in the control pipeline may be too large, the flow valve is improperly adjusted, the control pressure is inappropriate, and the pressure source is interfered with. At this time, check the control pressure source to ensure that the pressure is adjusted to the specified value of the system.

The piston rod of the yg series hydraulic cylinder has two kinds of solid rod and hollow rod, and one end of the hollow piston rod needs to be set aside for welding and heat treatment. The solid piston rod material is 35, 45 steel, and the hollow piston rod material is 35, 45 seamless steel pipe. After rough machining, the piston rod is conditioned to 229~285HB in India, and if necessary, the hardness is 45~55HRC after high-frequency quenching.

Answers to some questions about yg series hydraulic cylinder:

How to calculate the speed of cylinder weight decline?
To reduce the weight of the cylinder, the necessary condition is that the weight of the piston rod + external load is greater than the friction between the seal ring and the cylinder. There are many reasons for this, first of all, consider the reasons of the cylinder itself, the piston in the cylinder and the sealing ring on the piston rod will play a reaction force on the weight of the cylinder (because of friction), which depends on the tightness of the sealing ring and the cylinder. Secondly, what is connected under the piston rod of the cylinder and how much weight there is. And the way the cylinders are arranged, is it completely vertical. Anyway, in fact, the most important thing is to see how much the bore of the oil hole of the piston rod cavity of your cylinder is. For example, if the hole in the lower chamber of the cylinder is small, as thin as a needle, then its descent rate will be slow.

What is the difference between hollow and solid oil cylinders?
Hollow solid cylinder, according to conventional understanding, refers to whether the piston rod is solid or hollow. General ordinary hydraulic cylinder, the piston rod is solid structure. Hollow hydraulic cylinder refers to a hollow piston rod structure of the hydraulic cylinder, see the attached figure. Piston rod hollow function: 1, the piston rod hollow, the middle can be threaded rod. For example, the clamping cylinder with a sawing machine, the piston rod center threading rod, part of the stroke through manual, part of the stroke hydraulic automatic walk. 2, the hollow hole of the piston rod can be used to direct the oil circuit to achieve special oil circuit. 3, the cylinder is relatively large, the piston rod is relatively large, and the stroke is longer, in this case, the piston rod is hollow to reduce the movement friction and lateral force.

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