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forklift lift cylinder Sold to Turkey

Release time:2023-11-24 16:14:00 Hits: Current position: Home > News

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Turkey hydraulic cylinder,forklift lift cylinder manufacturer,forklift lift cylinder

Turkey forklift lift cylinder

(Turkey forklift lift cylinder,produced by Hengyu Hydraulic Cylinder Factory)

forklift lift cylinder are widely used in Turkey,because of smooth movement,high work efficiency,excellent fatigue and impact resistance.So our company has designed forklift lift cylinder for customers from Turkey.

Introduction to forklift lift cylinder:

When the forklift lift cylinder is in use, once the seal and guide support ring are found to be defective, the seal with the same structural form and appropriate material should be replaced according to the structural form of the forklift lift cylinder seal to be repaired, so as to minimize the thickness of the oil film between the seal and the sealing surface and reduce the leakage of the seal.

When the forklift lift cylinder is disassembled due to oil leakage and other faults, the position of the piston should be moved to any end position of the forklift lift cylinder by applying liquid pressure. Improper tapping and sudden drop should be avoided during disassembly.

When installing the forklift lift cylinder, the axial ends of the forklift lift cylinder cannot be fixed. Due to the effect of liquid pressure and thermal expansion in the forklift lift cylinder, there is axial expansion. If the two ends of the forklift lift cylinder are fixed, all parts of the forklift lift cylinder will be deformed. When disassembling the forklift lift cylinder, it is strictly forbidden to hammer the forklift lift cylinder and the piston surface, such as the forklift lift cylinder hole and the piston surface is damaged, do not allow sandpaper grinding, to use a fine oil stone carefully grinding. The clearance between the guide sleeve and the piston rod should meet the requirements.

Before purchasing the forklift lift cylinder, it is necessary to master the original information and design basis, mainly including: the use and working conditions of the machine; The structural characteristics, load conditions, stroke size and operation requirements of the working mechanism; The selected working pressure and flow of the hydraulic system; The reality of materials, fittings and processes; Relevant national standards and technical specifications, etc.

Answers to some questions about forklift lift cylinder:

Why is a light cylinder less productive than a heavy cylinder at the same oil pressure?
f=ps Under the same pressure, the larger the area, the greater the output, but the maximum pressure can not exceed the system engineering pressure of the cylinder!

What is the difference between hydraulic piston cylinder and plunger cylinder?
The force surface of the piston cylinder is a rod cavity and a rodless cavity, and the force surface of the plunger cylinder is the plunger, the spring return single-acting piston cylinder can also rely on the external force of the spring to achieve return, the double-acting piston cylinder can produce tension, and the plunger cylinder only produces thrust without tension.

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