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series synchronous cylinder Sold to Luxembourg

Release time:2023-12-02 14:47:34 Hits: Current position: Home > News

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Luxembourg hydraulic cylinder,series synchronous cylinder manufacturer,series synchronous cylinder

Luxembourg series synchronous cylinder

(Luxembourg series synchronous cylinder,produced by Hengyu Hydraulic Co., Ltd)

series synchronous cylinder are widely used in Luxembourg,because of high work efficiency,long service life,smooth movement.So our company has designed series synchronous cylinder for customers from Luxembourg.

Introduction to series synchronous cylinder:

Before purchasing the series synchronous cylinder, it is necessary to master the original information and design basis, mainly including: the use and working conditions of the machine; The structural characteristics, load conditions, stroke size and operation requirements of the working mechanism; The selected working pressure and flow of the hydraulic system; The reality of materials, fittings and processes; Relevant national standards and technical specifications, etc.

When the piston speed of the series synchronous cylinder is high, the steel ball of the check valve flows with the oil flow, so that the valve hole is blocked, and the series synchronous cylinder moves irregularly. Elimination method: Replace the steel ball with a cone valve or spool with a guide shoulder.

The commonly used buffer structure of the series synchronous cylinder is composed of a piston boss and a series synchronous cylinder head groove. When the piston moves close to the series synchronous cylinder head, it gradually enters the groove, and the oil in the groove is extruded through the gap between the boss and the groove, which increases the oil return resistance, produces the braking effect and realizes the buffer. Generally, a buffer mechanism should be used when the pressure is above 10MP.

When installing the piston rod, it is necessary to ensure that the direction of the connecting head at the top of the piston rod should be consistent with the direction of the series synchronous cylinder head adn the earring (or the middle hinge shaft), and ensure the straightness of the whole piston rod during the advance and return process to prevent the phenomenon of rigid interference and causing unnecessary damage.

Answers to some questions about series synchronous cylinder:

Why are two cylinders not balanced with the balance valve?
Balancing valve is only suitable for occasions with low synchronous accuracy requirements, and proportional valves are recommended for occasions with high precision requirements.

What is the meaning of cylinder ejection on the injection mold, and what is the difference between cylinder ejection and ordinary ejection?
Usually requires the front die ejection will use the cylinder to drive the thimble plate to achieve the ejection of the thimble. There is also a case that the mold is very large or long, and the balance of the ejector rod of the injection molding machine is not enough, and the cylinder ejector will also be used.

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